posted by zaky at 11:05 PM

Strongest man in the world.
Jouko Ahola of Finland was named the strongest man in the world in 1997 and 1999. He holds the record for lifting the heaviest stone in the World Strongman competition. The stone weighed 215 kg (414 lb). The 1,85 m (6 ft) tall Jouko also is the world's car-carrying champion.The Strongest Man in the World Competition claims that 1,67 m (5'8"), 159 kg (350 lb) Anthony Clark of the Philippines is the strongest. He bench pressed a massive 363 kg (800 lb).

The legends
On Tuesday 13 February 1923, in a strong man contest held before a packed house in City Hall in Augusta, Maine, John B Gagnon beat Warren L Travis of Brooklyn, NY - holder of the official title of World's Strongest Man. In 10 lifts, taking only 25 minutes, Gagnon lifted a total of 7,552 kg (16,650 pounds). Because it was not an "officially sanctioned" match, Travis was able to retain the title; he also would not schedule a return match against Gagnon.

John B Gagnon's recorded lifts that evening, all accomplished in 25 minutes:

Finger lift.................................................794 pounds
One-hand lift............................................1,111 pounds
Two-hand lift............................................1,575 pounds
Two-hand & knees lift...............................2,195 pounds
Neck lift..................................................1,317 pounds
Harness lift..............................................2,689 pounds
Teeth lift..................................................627 pounds
One-arm lift.............................................924 pounds
Two-arm lift.............................................1,248 pounds
Back lift (persons on platform)..................4,170 pounds

TOTAL WEIGHT LIFTED..............16,650 lbs. . .in 25 minutes.

The Strongest Man organisers believe the strongman title should go to John Wooten of Massachusetts. At 51 years old, he had towed a Mississippi river boat against the current, piggybacked an elephant, stopped two jet planes from taking off by holding them down, and pulled a 280-ton train along a track. John Wooten is 1,86 m (6'1") tall and weighs 132 kg (290 lb). He got his start in the strongman business in 1969 when he happened to meet a 79 kg (175 lb) man in his 70s who could bend 60-penny railroad spikes in his bare hands and taught him how to back-lift elephants.

Jouko Ahola:of Finland - strongest man in the world 1997 and 1999.